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  • Please do not let your child eat for one hour prior to swim lessons. If you must feed them a snack, limit dairy products.  We tend to see these come back up more often than anything else.  Yogurt is no bueno. 

  • Arrive just a few minutes before your lesson time.  Do not enter the gate until the class before yours is over.  This will help us limit distractions.  Be courteous.  Would you want someone to disrupt your child's lessons?  If not, then don't be the one to disrupt the class before yours. Sometimes we will utilize both ends of the pool and classes may start at different times.  This is the only instance where we allow clients to come into the gate while another class is going on. 

  • Children should not enter the pool until the instructor asks them to. 

  • You are expected to pick up your child on time.  If you are not on time, we will charge you $5 per five minutes that you are late. 

  • If you need to change your child before heading home, please do so at your car and try to remain discreet.  We live in a residential neighborhood and our neighbors don't care to see your sweet kiddo's tushie.

  • I have been teaching swim lessons in the area for over 20 years and in that time I have created a system that I think works very well for my students, parents and me. We do a drop off system here. All classes bring their kids to me at their allotted class time and the parents leave for the 25 minute class time. You may go run a quick errand or just enjoy the quiet time in your car. This allows me to have the children's entire focus and limit distractions from well meaning parents and siblings. It also allows me to form a bond with the children and to gain their trust. This trust is very important, especially with the younger children, in getting them to try new skills. When they rely on me I can get them to work hard and try new skills pretty easily. 


  • Only during a thunder/lightning storm do we cancel lessons (make-up given to all only when cancelled by Amy's Aquatics).  We will post cancellations on our FB page first and then attempt to text all parents that are affected. Please make sure to check the Facebook page first before messaging Amy. 

  • We WILL  still swim in the rain.  It's always warmer in the water during the rain.  With the exception of the Pollywogs, everyone must still attend lessons or forfeit the lesson for that day.  

  • For Pollywogs, it is at the discretion of instructors (make-up lesson given).  Look for updates on Facebook.
    In the event a storm pops up during your lesson, if we have completed 15 minutes of the lesson, then the lesson is considered complete.  There will be no make up. 


  •  Make up lessons are not given for any reason other than a cancellation by Amy's Aquatics due to weather. 


  • Please have your child use the restroom before coming to class.  Lessons are held at my home and our restroom is not near the pool. I have a husband and 21 year old son in the home. We are not offering our restrooms at this time.  Emergency use only. I do have a child potty with liners, wipes and hand sanitizer if needed. 

  • Children who are not potty trained or are newly potty trained must wear a swim diaper and it's always a good idea to bring an extra. Ages 3 and under are required to wear a swim diaper. 

  • I can't believe I'm having to say this, but please, do NOT let your child use the bathroom in my yard, driveway, or street.  This is frowned upon by the Town of Flower Mound, my neighbors and myself. 


  • Please refrain from bringing your child to swimming lessons if your child is suffering from any contagious condition.

  • We ask that you text 972-571-7220 (Student name and class time) if your child is unable to attend lessons.

  • Please note if a child has had diarrhea in the last two days they are not permitted to enter the water due to health and safety regulations.


  • Photographs are not to be used for advertising or media in any way (other than for Amy's Aquatics)

  • By registering your child with Amy's Aquatics, you agree that photographs will be taken during lessons and these will be posted on FB/Instagram at the conclusion of lessons.  These photographs may be used in advertising/marketing at a future time.  If you do not wish for your child's photographs to be published, please contact Amy in writing at to inform her of your wishes. 


  • The last day of class will be our Show Off Day.  We will give you a brief run through of our skills that we perform during swim lessons.  For parents of toddlers, please remember that they are young and you never know what you're going to get from day to day with your toddler.  Some days are better than others.  We will try our hardest to show you all of our swimming skills and when we are finished, Coach Amy will have a treat for everyone and a brief free time and then you can be dismissed or stay and let your kids play until class time is over.  

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